Sunday, November 29, 2009

The Histroy of Computers And Internet.Day2

The History of Computer
the idea of the first was just a calculating machine because the name "computer" was originally a job title so computers came first to do those tasks that were usually being done by women to compute navigational tables, tide charts, and planetary positions for astronomical almanacs .

The first computer that was built is by Charles Babbage in 19th century England. He was a mathematician and proposed construction of a machine that could have been called later the Babbage Difference Engine which not only calculated numbers, it would also be capable of printing mathematical tables.

After years of success the first programmable computer appeared in 1943 by the name Turing COLOSSUS that was used in World War II for coded messages.after that in 1946 the first electronic computer came. In 1951 U.S. Census Bureau became the first government agency to buy a computer.

In 1977 Apple started to sell computers to the public , and later in 1981 IBM PC followed.

For more info on the subject see
The History of the Internet

the Internet was in 1969 called ARPANET that was used by the Department of Defense which laid the groundwork for Internet, U.S.A. to connect air force bases together in case of any nuclear attack against the united states. From that time being used only by the military until the mid eighties when it started to be used by some the universities and educational institutions in the USA.
In 1993-94 the Internet started to catch the public's fancy.

The manckincsm of the Internet can be summries as...
. web server

WWW-world wide web

This means "the Internet" as know in this days

For more info...

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