Monday, December 14, 2009

Final Essay-Contemporary Internet Users

   Final Essay
Contemporary Internet Users
I found that in reading and analysing Mark Prensky’s “The Emerging Online Life Of The Digital Native” and Dave Weinberger’s “A New World” – two journals that give a simple understanding and insight into the Internet and briefly explain the vision behind this form of communication, I gained a more in depth knowledge and understanding of the pros and cons for the User and Reader of these various forms of communication.  
This Essay will cover in a progressive order various aspects introduced by both Authors as well as other Surveys and Journals, such as the different users based on their experience, the radical changes of the old ways of communication, the convenience and the fact that it is virtually free. As well as the social interaction through cyber space, the issue of identity, lookism ,and the learning opportunities including the drawbacks an my comments regarding these Journals combined with my experience as an internet user.
Both Mark Prensky and Dave Weinberger share the same opinion about the internet user. In “The Emerging Online Life Of The Digital Native” by Mark Prensky presents two different points of view :
Digital Native (Those who know their way around the Internet or any new technology “mostly younger People”).
Digital Immigrant (Those who are lost or find it difficult and challenging using new technology “usually older people”)
and he presents the two categories to support his argument and opinion.  
 Weinberger’s book “Small Pieces Loosely Joined” is a book that is not strongly built, with creative thought and far from formality. It is based on his thoughts, notes and comments to support his opinions.
Despite their differences both of them present the same points and share the same vision about the internet , (I agree with most of the points raised), which proved that the internet has revolutionised the way that people organise and live their life. “We are moving from a world of internet wizard to a world of ordinary people routinely using the Internet as an imbedded part of (our) lives. (Haythornthwaite and Wellman, 2002)
One of the strongest points that both Authors represent is the way that the Internet changed radically how human connect. Prensky marks that the email has occupied the place of traditional letter writing at a rapid pace, and long distance communication has transformed from being expensive to being almost free.  
In the same way Weinberger argues on the “Distanceless of the Web” which means email, chat and web forums close the measurable and geographical distance between the Internet User. Based on a number of studies “90% of all Internet Users claim to be emailers” (Nie and Erbring, 2002).  

Approximately out of all of the Net Users in September 2002 “Internet Users spent an average of 10 hours and 19 minutes on line” (Haythornthwaite and Wellman, 2002). All these facts and opinions from both Prensky and Weinberger work side by side with my own experience in the radical changes of communication and net behaviour that the Internet has caused. The change is a fact and a reality.
One of the subjects that has been discussed by Weinberger to what extent the internet could make us more or less social with others. This question has an answer that questions its impact on us. It has been said that “The more time people spend using the internet, the more they lose contact with their social environment” (Nie and Erbring, 2002). 
Although Weinberger references an article in The New York Times called “Who Says Surfers are Antisocial “ he comment that the Internet User became more social with others. Yes, maybe the Internet makes us less social on the physical level but on the other hand it offers society new channels to meet new people and explore, and get to know them in a different and a new way.  
“As more youth log on the Internet, we can expect that more of their friends do too” (Gross, 2004). Based on my personal observation and experience, side by side with Weinberger, I agree that the concept is usually true.  
There is a lot of social activity on the Internet that has a large number of members that share with each other the same hobbies, sports interests, particular points of view, political agenda and there is also what we call literature and science clubs that has a great impact on the development of science in all aspects, far from the dimensions and border of ethnics, geographic or religious backgrounds.
Something I myself have experienced having been in many Cyber Clubs such as Horse Clubs, Poetry Clubs, and I felt free to speak openly and comment on articles written by people from different Countries. This is exactly what Prensky meant when he wrote about the concept of “On Line Meetings”. It has increased the phenomenon of social meeting networking opportunities. When society says a person is isolated from communicating with others on an emotional level, because of the use of the Internet, on the contrary he is using a sophisticated and new communication tool instead that fails all of the prediction of many people because it has enabled many to become close to each other through their social interaction.
Prensky and Weinberger have presented in their writings many of the related topics about the case of identity which has brought some concepts like anonymity, trying on another personality (identity theft) and lookism and keeping one’s own identity. With the beginning of the Internet one of the popular and important principles was the idea of having a voice (opinion) and being able to perhaps influence others. Yes, there is some evidence about the truth of this saying, but it is quickly proven that one voice is not enough and not influential in the correct way despite the theories in the beginning of the internet. Also it is still an influential element in the way that the Internet environment works. In most situations these voices were anonymous.  

Weinberger discussed in his “New World” the way that he presents some of the legal issues behind the concept of identity (or the identities of these voices), and the principle behind using an anonymous identity, he used the example of Michael Ian Campbell who was sentenced to jail for impersonating another identity and threatening another student who was attending the recently traumatised Colombian High School – and threatened him with the additional craze of more shooting massacre on the school grounds.  
Although Weinberger raised a negative issue in his reference to Michael Ian Campbell, a study in 2000 by McKenna and Bargh on the impact that the Internet has on Identity was to the contrary. The study argues that the Internet presents the chance for an individual to embellish and build their identity to the best which cannot easily be done in the non cyber world. So, on a personal level it is a fact that some people use the internet to experiment and present themselves with a new identity and even though Weinberger when he mentioned the example of Michael Ian Campbell as the example of identity theft, he never meant to stereo type all Internet users.  
On a personal level not particularly all anonymous identities over the net would have a bad agenda, but the reality is the Internet provides us with the choice and the freedom to improve and construct our identity positively.
Prensky mentions “Lookism” which he refers to as the on line face of the user, rather than being how people are received or percepted in person purely based on their appearance. In cyber space, there can be no preconceived influences in our acceptance of others as no body language, ethnic or religious backgrounds need be disclosed.  
We are also not influenced by any preconceived responses bred into us through our life experiences. This is what produced the concept of “Lookism” that Prensky mentioned. “The old barriers of sexism, ageism and racism are not present, since you cannot see the person to whom you are speaking. You get to know the person without preconceived notions about what you think he is going to say, based on a visual prejudice you may have, no matter how innocent.” (Polly, 1992)
Many experienced net users apply moticons to their communication, which enables them to portray emotional feelings in a cyber way. Some emotion can be added to their communication through the use of graphics such as ‘smiley faces’, ‘sad faces’ and many other moticons available as free downloads from the internet.
One possible drawback that I perceive for the digital native is the use of cryptic letters in their communications via text messaging, chat and email where correct spelling is replaced by whatever can be interpreted by the reader. For example, “c u” (for see you later), or “L O L” (laugh out loud), or even “GTGPOS” (got to go, parent over shoulder) as referenced by Prensky. This must raise a question in the educational standards of our youth who have, for some, been proven to have appalling spelling skills when they leave school and enter the workforce. Has this form of cryptic texting and communication played an influence on the spelling skills of our youth?  

In support of the lack of spelling, grammar and English writing skills, studies have been made over a period of years show that “Educators and the Media have decried the use of these shortcuts, suggesting that they are causing youth in what (Thurlow, 2003) (Textisms and Writing) labelled Generat Txt, to lose the ability to write acceptable English prose. In his article titled “From Statistical Panic to Moral Panic”, (Thurlow, 2006) analysed more than 100 media articles on this topic, finding that the vastly predominant tone was that text messaging was damaging to English Literacy.” (Rosen, California State University)
On the other hand, for some who may suffer from a lack of communication skills in writing through poor education, shyness or dyslexia for example, , have been seen to benefit from this manner of informal writing in communication as they are no longer bound by the rules of correct spelling. These people have been seen to grow and evolve more confidently through their experience with cyber communications as Prensky mentioned that Digital Native Learning Differently. He meant that the Internet gave a strong base to all learners to sail in a sea of knowledge. He gave an example of one 12 year old boy wanting a Lizard as a Pet. So as a way to convince his parents he made a 20 page report about the advantages and disadvantages of each Lizard around the world. Yet he never had the Lizard buy he surely impressed his Parents and gained a lot of knowledge on the way.
Another way of learning in a different manner is through Internet Based Distance Education. This has opened up a whole new world of opportunity for a number of people to access further education where they would not otherwise have had the opportunity, such as those who are isolated on remote properties, or those whose work hours would not allow easy access to University or College. They can study and prepare assignments at their own pace within their secure environment.  
This of course has many advantages as well as some disadvantages which are mentioned in an article from “The World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia & Telecommunications”.
In conclusion I have found these Journals extremely interesting, insightful and informative and find that I am in agreement with most of the issues that are discussed by both Authors. However, even with the comments about the Internet Society the fact is still that we will all need to use it in one way or another. In general the benefits to the end user, outweigh any shortcomings and is certainly our pathway to an informative and educated future. 
• Marc Prensky ,The Emerging online Life Of The digital Native,(2004).
• David Weinberger (2002) A New World .
• Polly, Jean Armour. (1992). Surfing The Internet: an Introduction.Version 2.0.2. 94pp.
• Gross, Elisheva F. (2004). Adolescent Internet use: What we expect, what teens report. Applied Developmental Psychology 25. 633–649pp.
• Haythornthwaite, C and Wellman, B. (2002). The Internet In Everyday Life: An Introduction. Edited by Barry Wellman & Caroline Haythornthwaite, Oxford: Blackwell Publishers, Fall 2002 55pp.
• Nie, Norman H. and Erbring, Lutz. (2002). Internet and Society: A Preliminary Report. IT & SOCIETY, VOLUME 1, ISSUE 1, SUMMER 2002, PP. 275-283.
• Digital Native ,
• McKenna, Katelyn Y. A. and Bargh, John A. (2000) Plan 9 From Cyberspace: The Implications of the Internet for Personality and Social Psychology. Personality and Social Psychology Review. Vol. 4, No. 1, 57–75.
• BBC News,
• Running Head: Textism and Writing
 The Relationship between “Textism And Formal And Informal Writing Among Young Adults”
 Larry D Rosen, Ph.D., Chang B.A., Erwin M.B.A., Carrier Ph.D., Cheever M.A.,
 California State University, Dominguez Hills pp4

Monday, December 7, 2009

overall view of the course

When I signed on for this course, I expected that it would be more about the IT Communications and not the philosophy behind various means of communication.

Through this course, there has been some content that I knew a little about but also some content that I knew nothing about.

This course has opened my eyes to the uses of various mediums of communication in terms of technology which applies to our dialy life without even noticing.

Some of it involves reality while other parts take us into the horizon of virtual reality.

I may add that the Tutorial and Lectures were very informative, and the Lecturer was very co-operative and helpful. For instance, if we discussed some issue and apply it to our environment as our understanding from the lecture, he really listened and tried to take note of our comments and knowledge regarding some lectures and acknowledge the value of it.

Note: By the end of this course some of us if not all of us appreciate and understand the philosophy behind the new communication technologies to spread our opinion or comment on the open market and involve in the world development of this new evolution. BUT, we failed to communicate between each other as a class mate in person between each other. This is something to think about as there can be a loss of personal identity, or is it too late, and the revolution is upon us.

Summary of the Course.Day10

The invisible environment that mean the technolocial one the fiction .
we also have to think about these concepts:
Medium , Technology , Culture

Briefly summaries all the session of the course(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9)

'' we should keep and make sure that our environment is okay and Healthy"

which mean that we should keep good balance from each medium.

Networked Creativity (Jason Nelson)Day9

This lecture was mostly about one example of the new communication technology that starting to spread around the digital writer or web designer Jason Nelson .He talked about his art digital poetry through his web page ,and his way to reach million of people from different parts of the world.

Also he talked about other websites such as,the

and the creative common website that as good as the paid one's like


I found this e-petition against killing camel in Australia

Save the camels in Australia

I usually respond to some Articles in the news paper in my own language like the Riyadh newspaper and write comment about some issues been said in the newspaper.

I think Barak Obama tried to futile his promises that he couldn't do early for some reasons,also I think break some of it by send more troupes to Afghanistan.

What do you think of the Australian Government's plans to censor the Internet (the so-called "Clean Feed")???
I'm with it to certain extant if it mean less pornographer and inappropriate media over the Internet
but not hold back the freedom of speech for any right cause.

What place does censorship have in a democracy?

simply nothing

Political Possibilities.Day7 and 8

In this lecture we focus on the possibilities of the the technology to change the political traditional ways,so it discuss certain aspects :

  • Democracy
  • Gaps in the Mass Media
  • Free Speech and Censorship.

  • Citizen-Hacker: Doing Global Democracy.

  • Cyberpunk.

when we say democracy in this frame we have to clear two terms:
CyberPolitics by that we mean the group of people over the Internet that share the same political opinions away from any rules or regulations .without some time concerned about ethnic or region issues.
eDemocracy by that mean the way that traditional political cases spread and stretch into the Internet to reach more people and gain their trust.
as good example of that we saw in the late US elections Parka Obama used the Internet to win the race through variety of channel like Facebook,youtube etc..
or even though indirect way like "Obama Girl" to reach certain age category or gender.

Gaps in the Mass Media

simple it mean that traditional can be biased on how they approach some issues or even berate the trust of there followers to certain ex tine,so in some way the lead to the Internet as way to solve or even keep the balance.

Free Speech and Censorship
the Internet make Good environment for free speech in any issue in our daily live and in this case the political field so every one can speak free about any political matter or even figure.

Citizen-Hacker: Doing Global Democracy

may it a good way to express free speech in a dark way and illegal in some.we see Hackers developed from just "eThieves" to freedom fighters that say their opinions by hacking to other medium to speak their mind .

it is anew way to reach people not not traditional punk music but through the Internet and
a science fiction that that create to give awareness about what could happen in the futur.

Video Games .Day6

Video games is a good example of New technology that been used strongly for the last decade, what i mean is that quite a big number of todays technology users use this method every day and they spend a lot time on it .But the question is how this make it one of the communions tools that have been used these days.
In one way is it about giving their opinion "the player's" about what the game theme is about,
so if group of them played the same game that makes them communicate through the same reality that they choose to play. In another way it could mean that a group of participants shared the same idea about a subject so they all participate to try spread their agreement or disagreement with it, furthermore even some time regarding some political matter or even domestic within the same country. For example, 'In the USA' we can see the number of video games that simulate the American approach toward some issues, like her war with other countries or even within as ample to that some parties or group of people kidnapping the country from inside.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Ten Questions.Day3

1. What did Alan Turing wear while riding his bicycle around Bletchley Park?

he could be seen riding his bicycle while wearing a gas-mask to prevent hay-fever

2. On what date did two computers first communicate with each other? Where were they?

First two computers communicated with each other was September 2, 1969 from
In University of California, Santa Barbara

3. What is Bill Gates’ birthday and what age was he when he sold his first software?

Bill Gates’ birthday is on October 28th 1955 and he sold his first software at the age of 25 to IBM.

4. Where was the World Wide Web invented?

Geneva, Switzerland at CERN
at Yahoo

5. How does the power of the computer you are working on now compare with the power of a personal computer from 30 years ago?

the major comparisons is that commands had to be typed by the user in 1981 rather than by the use of a mouse nowadays

6. What is the weight of the largest parsnip ever grown?
I couldn't find any

7. When did Queensland become a state and why is the Tweed River in New South Wales?

Queensland became a state in 1901
beacuse 1859 Queensland New South Wales border proclaimed

8. What was the weather like in south-east Queensland on 17 November 1954?
high of 28 degrees and a low of 19 degrees

9. Why is is Lord Byron still remembered in Venice?

He bragged that he had sex with 250 women over the course of one year. The sheer brazenness and multiplicity of his sexual swath astonished people.

10. What band did Sirhan Chapman play in and what is his real name?


the name is Steve Stockwell

every day life .Day5

Every day life

  • Actual

  • Virtual


  • Creative common.
  • Free software=Free culture.
  • CC licences.

Creative common CC :

Started in Dec 2002

Some of its important features are :

  • Non-profit organisation.
  • Available to everyone.

Creative Commons is a nonprofit corporation dedicated to making it easier for people to share and build upon the work of others, consistent with the rules of copyright.

Free"Libra" Software

first let's ask this question..

How does software work ?..source code

Historically software was for free !

for this reasons and more came what we called Free Software Foundation’s which established by Richard M Stallman. Also came alongside the GNU General Public License (GNU GPL).

His first goal was to create free UNIX-like software.

After some time came the concept OPEN SOURCE as an attempt to push 'free software' into business.

Another kind of software is "Proprietary software " closed software".

For example:(Ms-Windows/MacOs/Ms-Office/ Internet explore) etc..

Themes From Internet Studies.Day3

When we say Internet studies we have to put in mind...
  • Virtual community.

which mean human feeling on web forms.

  • Individual identity.

Identity play "be someone else".

  • Shared interests.

In Early times (groups shared the same idea).

  • Ego-centric social network.

mostly focus on self interests "center of attention" rather than group interests.

Important time in the history of the Internet "WEB 2.0" year 2000

Tim O'Reilly and his Friends restored trust and faith back to the Internet,which produce

the "web 2.0" concept. And here some the features...

  • Organising knowledge (using "tags" on posted items).
  • User-generated content (Make our own stuff).
  • Open API -Sharing data between services.

Social Media

  • web blogs(blogs,mob logs,micro blogs"twitter"etc.
  • Social network services (SNS's) like (Myspace/facebook/blogs) etc..
  • Content sharing communities ...such as (flicker/YouTube/blip) etc..

But for some this services has some drawback to it ...

Your information is open for the public "used mostly for marketing , Ads or Economy".

you should ask yourself these questions ..

  • who owns your stuff?
  • mostly about social people (Friends) and there no anti-social ?
  • are we consumers? or creators?
  • what role will you play in the"social Media "landscape?

The Histroy of Computers And Internet.Day2

The History of Computer
the idea of the first was just a calculating machine because the name "computer" was originally a job title so computers came first to do those tasks that were usually being done by women to compute navigational tables, tide charts, and planetary positions for astronomical almanacs .

The first computer that was built is by Charles Babbage in 19th century England. He was a mathematician and proposed construction of a machine that could have been called later the Babbage Difference Engine which not only calculated numbers, it would also be capable of printing mathematical tables.

After years of success the first programmable computer appeared in 1943 by the name Turing COLOSSUS that was used in World War II for coded messages.after that in 1946 the first electronic computer came. In 1951 U.S. Census Bureau became the first government agency to buy a computer.

In 1977 Apple started to sell computers to the public , and later in 1981 IBM PC followed.

For more info on the subject see
The History of the Internet

the Internet was in 1969 called ARPANET that was used by the Department of Defense which laid the groundwork for Internet, U.S.A. to connect air force bases together in case of any nuclear attack against the united states. From that time being used only by the military until the mid eighties when it started to be used by some the universities and educational institutions in the USA.
In 1993-94 the Internet started to catch the public's fancy.

The manckincsm of the Internet can be summries as...
. web server

WWW-world wide web

This means "the Internet" as know in this days

For more info...

The Histroy of Computers And Internet

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Sunday, November 22, 2009

The History Of Communication

A brief definition of ''Communication'' is the actual interaction between two parties to spread or transfer information.

This started through drawings and day to day conversation and developed into books and poetry where our history and culture was saved in time.

In this way we were able to communicate the past to our future generation.

Now days through the internet and blogs like facebook the new generation is using it to explore and save history be that through just a blog backpacking through countries on facebook which family and friends can read or a president twittering his stance on an issue in his country. In this way instead of taking months to share our thoughts and lives it takes only the time to hit enter or send on our mobile, phones, laptops or desktop.